P2PVPN - Home

P2PVPN is a software which provides you with an Virtual Private Network, you can use to connect your computer with other computers over the Internet. I am currently developing P2PVPN for my thesis. P2PVPN has the following goals:


0.8 released 17 December 2010

Just two little changes:

The Pirate Bay is dead 28 November 2009

Because the Test Network used the Pirate Bay Tracker it does not work any more. I created a new Test Network which uses OpenBitTorrent. Use the new invitation to join.

0.7 released 11 July 2009

New features:

0.6 released 04 May 2009

New features:

0.5 released 01 April 2009

New features:

0.4 released 01 February 2009

New features:

Note, that my test network changed. You will need to use the new invitation.